Hi There! (From The Pres.)

Hi there!

Wasn’t that soup luncheon great? All the soups were yummy—I admit I am hook on Bonnie’s (Plato) chili…The speaker was great too. She talked about butterflies in the garden & brought forth a few points that (I think) most of us don’t even think about or take in consideration when we want to bring butterflies into our gardens. For me it was like that makes sense & it never occurred to me!

Coming up is our Annual Meeting—March 4. And similar to last year this will be more of a pizza social than a formal meeting. We will have a State of the Club but we also want to hear from you, your ideas, your likes & dislikes too. The club will provide the pizzas. We ask you bring a salad or dessert plus your ideas. Hope you come if just for pizza or salad or dessert!

And spring is rapidly approaching which means, daffodils are coming up any time now & we will have another Daffodil Grooming Clinic before the show so you can prep your flowers to be winners. Take note: we have changed the date & place for the clinic to Sat April 22 at the church across the library—keep reading for more information.

We will also have Hosta Judging Clinics on May 20 & 21. And even if you don’t plan in becoming a judge, this is a good way to learn about hostas & what makes a great hosta.

Our bus trip this year is to New York. Karen is already getting reservations, so as the saying goes ‘get your engines running’…LOL!

So take some time to go over all the information in this newsletter & get ‘on board’ for all the upcoming activities! We should have a fun season!

Later, Alicia

The Pres

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